Monday, September 1, 2014

Final Exams

This happened way back in June of this year (2014) but I have to document it because it's still amazing to me. Translation: it's going to be a long post.

We had a final exam in Physiology. I was being the usual procrastinator because hey, anything is more fun than studying, right? I had a ton of material to cover but this was one of those subjects that had intermediate exams after every or every second module. There were five of these papers.

I did my best to cram the week before the exam after wasting about a week beforehand, doing absolutely nothing. Nothing unusual there. I had finished revising all the topics contained in about two out of the five papers. One of the topics I had never even tried to prepare for, neurophysiology, was one of these three uncovered topics. I was nervous about it, needless to say. Three of my friends and I got together the day before the exam to do some past paper questions for an hour before church. We decided to do an hour after church as well. We prayed together with our pastor when we were ready to pack up and go home. That was all the preparation I did.

The next day, everyone was saying how much they hoped there were repeated questions. The paper looked like it contained nothing familiar. It had a handful but not enough to pass. It was excruciating to be honest but I kept thanking God for every answer that I put down on the sheet. I had committed to not cheating for answers even though I was in the perfect spot to do so. The invigilator barely glanced my way.

And the result? Not only did I pass, I scored the highest in my class. That was my desire when the course initially began, that I would ace this subject. It was fulfilled in the most unexpected way.

Okay, back to present day. I went for my anatomy practical final today. I was nervous, I got stuff wrong. I heard a voice in my head telling me to change things and not write other things. What did I do? I didn't listen. Proverbs 3:5 got it right: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;"

This was the list that was uploaded on their website. I had two of those answers going on and on in my head but I just wouldn't listen... Lesson learnt for tomorrow!

According to this, I have failed the basic pins because I can only get 2 pins wrong in the first 20 pins. I got about 10-12 wrong in the next 40 pins. In the admissions exam prior to this, I got 7 out of 50 pins wrong. I scored 86 out of a 100.

I trust it is all going to be okay. I will post again tomorrow with the good news!


I blog occasionally, especially when life throws lemons at me and I can't make lemonade out of it. And today, I thought, why shouldn't I blog about those moments in my life where things actually DO go well. So I begin this blog as a way to collect all my little testimonials, to remind me when the going gets tough that there is always a way because guess who's in control? That's right, your Friend upstairs. 

Here it begins, well written or not, a great documentary of the wonderful little things that show you exactly who your Best Friend is!